Mr Danvic Rosadiño

Head of Programs and Innovations LoveYourself, Philippines

Danvic is the Head of Programs and Innovations of LoveYourself, a community-based organization based in metropolitan Manila, Philippines. While the organization’s main thrust is to promote self-worth leading to self-care among the men who have sex with men (MSM) and the youth, the organization is mostly known to provide HIV and sexual health-related services to the community. 

 He has spearheaded various HIV and sexual health researches, programs, and innovations, such as Project PrEPPY and SelfCare. He also conducted several researches on HIV prevalence and incidence (in the Philippines and Malaysia), and values and preferences studies on Hepatitis C self-testing and COVID-19 self-testing (as part of a multi-country research). He is also a member of several HIV-related technical working groups and guidelines development groups under the World Health Organization.

15.10pm - Case studies of applying behavioural and implementation sciences in health (Part 2) 

The power of LoveYourself 

This presentation covers how behavioural and implementation sciences have been used in the establishment, scale-up and evaluation of LoveYourself, a community-based organisation in the Philippines providing a range of free services, to make a positive impact on the sexual health and overall wellbeing of a population group.

15.40pm - Strengthening community and intersectoral collaboration for impactful and scalable implementation 

This is a dialogue between speakers on the panel to discuss how to bring about and leverage community and intersectoral (across professions, backgrounds and private/public sectors etc.) collaboration to scale up implementation efforts, as well as increase and sustain positive health (and social) impact.