Visiting Associate Professor Jason Chow

Associate Professor, Vanderbilt University
Visiting Associate Professor, Centre for Holistic Initiatives for Learning and Development
National University of Singapore

Jason Chow is an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education at Vanderbilt University and in the Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He is also a Visiting Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore. 

 His research focuses on language, social, and behavioral development, adaptive interventions to support children with disabilities and their families, and supporting the uptake, implementation, and sustainability of adoptable and effective practices and programs in educational and community settings, and research synthesis methods. He teaches courses in special education, research methods, grant writing, and meta-analysis.

15.40pm - Strengthening community and intersectoral collaboration for impactful and scalable implementation 

This is a dialogue between speakers on the panel to discuss how to bring about and leverage community and intersectoral (across professions, backgrounds and private/public sectors etc.) collaboration to scale up implementation efforts, as well as increase and sustain positive health (and social) impact.