#206 | Evaluating an Omega-3 Test-and-Treat Program, as Part of Routine Pregnancy Care, to Prevent Preterm Birth | Celine Northcott
Concurrent 2
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 |
11:35 AM - 11:55 AM |
Ms Celine Northcott
Phd Candidate
Evaluating an Omega-3 Test-and-Treat Program, as Part of Routine Pregnancy Care, to Prevent Preterm Birth
Celine Northcott is a PhD Candidate (Medicine, Paediatrics) and Population Health Researcher at SAHMRI. Her PhD focuses on the translation and implementation of an Omega-3 Test-and-Treat Program to prevent preterm births in South Australia. She collaborates with consumer groups and clinicians to improve screening uptake. With a Bachelor of Business Marketing and a Master's of Population Health Practice, Celine has a cross-disciplinary background in marketing, population health and behavioural science. Her expertise lies in studying consumer behaviour and health promotion to achieve improved population-level health outcomes, focusing strongly on translating clinical research to achieve meaningful impact in the community.