#235 | The Check-up Before School (CUBS) program: a cross-sector approach to supporting early learning and development | Prof Rebekah Grace
Concurrent 7
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 |
10:35 AM - 10:55 AM |
Professor Rebekah Grace
Director, Teeach Research Centre
Western Sydney University
The Check-up Before School (CUBS) program: a cross-sector approach to supporting early learning and development
Professor Rebekah Grace is the Director of the TeEACH Research Centre (Transforming early Education and Child Health). Her program of research is focused on the service and support needs of children who experience adversity and their families. She employs a cross-disciplinary, mixed-methods approach to research, and seeks to move beyond the bounds of disciplinary silos to address complex challenges. Rebekah has extensive experience in collaboration with government and non-government service organisations. Her expertise is in applied research, and in the translation of that research so that it is meaningful in practice settings and transformative to policy and practice.