#252 | Implementation science: application to adaptation - 10 years of evolution in applying implementation science | Dr Jenna McWilliam & Jacquie Brown
Concurrent 7
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 |
11:45 AM - 12:05 PM |
Jacquie Brown
Head of International Development
Triple P International
Implementation science: application to adaptation - 10 years of evolution in applying implementation science
Jacquie Brown, MES RSW, is a globally recognized international Implementation Consultant, Implementation Lead, School Mental Health Ontario, Head of International Development, Triple P International and previous Co-Director for the Child and Family Evidence-based Practice Consortium. In her work Jacquie brings expertise in the application of implementation science to systems, communities and organisations through a perspective informed by many years in management of community-based services. She is committed to bringing implementation science into practice.
Sarah Munro
Triple P International
Implementation science: application to adaptation - 10 years of evolution in applying implementation science
Dr Jenna McWilliam is an experienced Organisational Psychologist and the Head of Organisational Development at Triple P International. Jenna has a strong focus on enhancing social impact for children, families and communities through supporting implementation and the scale up of evidence based programs.
Jenna has extensive international experience providing both strategic and operational direction on human capital, organisational development, implementation and systems change. In her work with Triple P International Jenna has consulted with government and non-government organisations globally to support effective community and organizational change through the implementation of evidence-based programs.
A member of Triple P International’s Executive Team, Jenna leads on Program, Implementation and Evidence across Triple P’s global operations. Jenna is also an Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Queensland, where she supports research on implementation science.