#15 | Organisational readiness and fidelity of Play Active: An ECEC-specific physical activity policy | Elizabeth Wenden
Concurrent 5
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 |
12:25 PM - 12:45 PM |
Ms Elizabeth Wenden
Phd Candidate & Research Assistant
Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia
Organisational readiness and fidelity of Play Active: An ECEC-specific physical activity policy
Liz is affiliated with the PLAYCE (PLAY Spaces and Environments for Children’s Physical Activity, Health & Development) Research Group. Liz is committed to improving health outcomes for our future generations by developing and testing physical activity health promotion initiatives for young children in all settings. Liz is currently a UWA PhD student investigating the implementation of physical activity policy and practice in early education and care centres, and won an Australian Government RTP Scholarship to undertake this research. Liz has a Bachelor of Health Science and Master of Public Health from Edith Cowan University.