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#32 | Scaling up ENGAGE – a case study on context, implementation and the role of intermediaries | Jimmy McLauchlan

Concurrent 5
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
11:15 AM - 11:35 AM


Agenda Item Image
Mr Jimmy McLauchlan
Chief Development Officer

Scaling up ENGAGE – a case study on context, implementation and the role of intermediaries



Jimmy McLauchlan in the Kaiwhakawhanake Pakihi | Chief Development Officer at MMS - a social service agency based in Dunedin, New Zealand. Jimmy specialises in the scaling of evidence-based approaches, often leading projects as an intermediary and facilitating multidisciplinary partnerships with subject matter experts, implementers, funders and policymakers. Jimmy's current projects cover early childhood education, adult foundation education and mental health initiatives, and include the scaling-up of ENGAGE (an evidence-based self-regulation approach for pre-school children) to over 2,000 early childhood education services in New Zealand.