#356 | Menu of Evidence – Children and Family Services | Stephen J Bennett, Dr Pauline Ho & Dr Nicola Thomson
Concurrent 7
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 |
11:15 AM - 11:35 AM |
Stephen Bennett
Principal Policy Officer
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Menu of Evidence – Children and Family Services
Stephen Bennett is a Principal Policy Officer in the Evidence Strategy team. The team drives evidence-informed policy and practice to improve outcomes for Victorians and is a critical enabler of the ongoing reforms across children and family services.
Stephen has led work to embed the use of evidence across children and family services. This includes the development of the Menu of Evidence to support decision making and practice, lifting sector capability through Outcomes, Practice and Evidence Network (OPEN) and building the Aboriginal evidence base.
Dr Pauline Ho
Senior Policy Officer
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Menu of Evidence – Children and Family Services
Dr Pauline Ho is Senior Policy Officer in the Evidence Strategy team. Pauline brings 15 years of experience in evaluation across government and academia, specialising in effective generation and use of evidence to improve social outcomes. She has led innovative and collaborative initiatives such as the first education randomised trials with schools, systems and partners in Australia to embed evidence-informed culture and practice.
Dr Nicola Thomson
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Menu of Evidence – Children and Family Services
Dr Nicola Thomson is Manager of the Evidence Strategy team, Family Services, Evidence and Quality Improvement Branch at the Department, Families, Fairness and Housing. Nicola brings 15 years of research experience in the community and academic sector, specialising in research with vulnerable groups. She has led the Evidence Strategy team over the past four years, overseeing a range of innovative projects that focus on embedding evidence in community services, and driving evidence-informed policy.