#293 | Measuring fidelity after implementing a modifiable lifestyle-focused approach in treatment | Myrthe Van Schothorst & Natascha den Bleijker
Concurrent 4
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 |
3:00 PM - 3:05 PM |
Natascha den Bleijker
Phd Student
GGz Centraal
Measuring fidelity after implementing a modifiable lifestyle-focused approach in treatment
Natascha den Bleijker has a background in neuropsychology and after working on the department of psychiatry for 4 years at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) is now a PhD student at GGz Centraal, the Netherlands. GGz Centraal is a mental healthcare organisation in the Netherlands. Her research focuses on the effectiveness and implementation of a lifestyle focused approach in treatment for people with (severe) mental illness. She is affiliated with the UMCU.
Ms Myrthe Van Schothorst
Phd Candidate
GGz Centraal
Measuring fidelity after implementing a modifiable lifestyle-focused approach in treatment
Myrthe van Schothorst and Natascha den Bleijker are PhD students at the mental health organisation GGz Centraal, the Netherlands. Their research focuses on the implementation and effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for people with (severe) mental illness.