Happy Hour and Poster Session
Tuesday, October 23, 2018 |
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
Level 1 Foyer Area |
Dr Cate Bailey
Research Fellow
Monash Centre For Health Research And Implementation
Poster Number #167 - Use of economic modelling for improving practice and policy; addressing maternal obesity
Cate Bailey is a Research Fellow at Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI) Cate has a Masters in Applied Statistics and a PhD in Forensic Psychology, investigating cases of child sexual abuse in Australian Indigenous communities. Current research interests are economic evaluations in health, specifically of obesity in preconception, pregnancy and postpartum.
Dr Sara Bayes
Associate Professor And Associate Dean Of Midwifery
Edith Cowan University
Prof Drew Betz
Extension Family Development Specialist
Washington State University Extension
Poster Number #115 - Scale and Sustainability Start at the Ground Level: A Case Study
Drew Betz, M.S., CFLE, has led statewide efforts in Washington State to implement the Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14 since 2000. Her work in Whatcom County, where she resides, leads the state in implementation and sustainability. Outreach to immigrant Spanish speaking families has been very successful and has been consistent since 2009. Drew continues to work with a statewide team to promote evidence based program implementation that thrives.
Dr Leonieke Boendermaker
Professor Implementation and Effectiveness In Youth Care Services
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Dr Samantha Chakraborty
Research Fellow
Monash University
Poster Number #400 - Work-related mental health conditions – developing new clinical guidelines for general practitioners
Dr Samantha Chakraborty is an implementation researcher specialising in the context of primary care in Australia. Her work addresses evidence-practice gaps in injury management, mental health, cancer and healthcare for vulnerable populations.
Samantha has expertise in the development and implementation of clinical guidelines. She is currently developing NHMRC-standard national guidelines to assist GPs with their diagnosis and management of work-related mental health problems. Previously, she co-authored Investigating symptoms of lung cancer: a guide for GPs, which is a guideline aimed at improving the early detection of lung cancer in general practice.
Throughout her career, Samantha has championed the effective translation of research to deliver evidence-based healthcare. Prior to entering academia, Samantha successfully managed a $5 million AUD, international Centre of Research Excellence, Innovative Models Promoting Access-to-Care Transformation (IMPACT). Working in the non-government sector, she managed programs aimed at improving research capacity and research translation at beyondblue and at the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.
Mr Tsze Chan
Independent Consultant
Poster Number #35 - An Empirical Estimation of Publication Bias in Research on K-12 Math Interventions
Dr. Tsze Chan's, together with Dr. Andrei Streke, has been conducting meta-analysis research using the What Works Clearinghouse datasets. In the GEIS 2017 conference in Cape Town, Dr. Tsze Chan hosted two poster presentations: one on whether individual/small group K-12 math interventions are more effective than interventions delivered to larger groups such as classrooms or schools, a second one on the impact of technology on early childhood Reading programs. Dr. Tsze Chan recently retired from his post as a principal statistician from the American Institutes for Research (AIR, US), working on the psychometrics of G3-high school state testing on Math, ELA and Science for the state of Washington, West Virginia, among others. Prior to the psychometric work, Dr. Chan served on the What Works Clearinghouse technical committee when hosted by AIR.
Ms Yajing Chen
School Of Public Health, Lanzhou University
Ms Yajing Chen
School Of Public Health, Lanzhou University
Poster Number #398 - Survey on the Systematic Review of Citations in TCM Guidelines
Chen Yaolong, MD, Professor. Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Guideline Implementation and Knowledge Translation. Director of the GRADE Center of China , and Secretary-General of the Asian Guiding Association (GIN). Main research areas: GRADE and guideline methodology, health policy and knowledge translation.
Ms Yajing Chen
School Of Public Health, Lanzhou University
Poster Number #390 - The Reporting Characteristics of Abstracts of Guidelines - A Cross-sectional Analysis of Practice Guidelines in PubMed
Nan Yang is from China and is a research postgraduate student studying in Evidence-Based Medicine Center of Lanzhou University and Chinese GRADE Center. I am very interested in guideline methodology and are doing some work in guidelines development.
Ms Yajing Chen
School Of Public Health, Lanzhou University
Ms Yajing Chen
School Of Public Health, Lanzhou University
Poster Number #382 - The reporting characteristics of guideline dissemination and implementation in WHO guidelines
Qi Zhou is from China and is a research postgraduate student studying in Evidence-Based Medicine Center of Lanzhou University and Chinese GRADE Center. I have been enrolled in the First Hospital of Lanzhou University, majoring in Surgery . I am very interested in WHO guideline dissemination and implementation and are doing some related work.
Ms Yajing Chen
School Of Public Health, Lanzhou University
Poster Number #316 - Reporting Characteristics of Chinese Guidelines on Public Health
Yajing Chen, studied at School of Public Health, Lanzhou university,specializing in Social Medicine and Health Management, research interests are health economics; Kuhu Yang, professor, director of Evidence-Based Medicine Center, School of Basic Medical Science, Lanzhou University; Xuemei Han, professor, School of Public Health, Lanzhou university,research interests are health economics
Ms Yajing Chen
School Of Public Health, Lanzhou University
Poster Number #361 - Which information should be included in characteristics table in meta-analyses of surgery?
Meixuan Li is a master student from Lanzhou University, Gansu Province, China, who specialized in social medicine and health service management.
Kehu Yang, professor, director of Evidence-Based Medicine Center, School of Basic Medical Science, Lanzhou University
Ms Yajing Chen
School Of Public Health, Lanzhou University
Mr Jason Chow
Assistant Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
Poster Number #274 - Do published studies yield larger effect sizes than unpublished studies in education? A meta-review.
Jason Chow, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling and Special Education, Affiliate Faculty in the Psychology Department, Research Faculty in the Clark-Hill Institute of Positive Youth Development, and Co-Director of the Cognition and Learning Lab at Virginia Commonwealth University. The overall goal of his research agenda is to gain a deeper understanding of how to mitigate the adverse effects of language and behavioral deficits in educational contexts. His primary area of publication centers on the relations between language ability and behavior problems in school-age children. His other areas of research focus on the role of language in classroom performance, mathematics and science learning, and meta-analysis.
Dr Frances Dark
Director Of Rehabilitation Metro South
Metro South Health Queensland
Poster Number #123 - Implementing cognitive therapies within Australia and our near neighbours – Indonesia and India
Dr Dark has been a psychiatrist working at the Princess Alexandra Hospital for 30 years. She is Acting Director of Rehabilitation academic Clinical Unit, Metro South Mental Health Service which includes the Mobile Intensive Rehabilitation teams in Logan and PAH, Early Psychosis team PAH, Clinical Care Unit Coorparoo, Transitional housing team and Wisteria extended treatment service, Wynnum. Dr Dark is also Director of the State-wide Deafness and Hard of hearing team, and Chair of the State-wide Early Psychosis advisory group.
Dr Dark has a particular interest in psychosocial therapies for psychosis and trains in Cognitive remediation and Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis. She is a DBT therapist and together with the State-wide Deafness and Hard of Hearing Team, has been involved in modifying DBT for this population.
Dr Dark is completing a late life PhD examining the implementation of cognitive therapies for psychosis.
Dr Jo Day
Research Fellow
NIHR CLAHRC South West Peninsula, University of Exeter Medical School
Poster Number #221 - Contextual barriers to the scale-up of evidence-based practices in healthcare: insights from a focused ethnography
Jo Day is a registered psychologist and qualitative researcher. She joined the National Institute for Health Research CLAHRC South West Peninsula (PenCLAHRC) at the University of Exeter Medical School in 2012 and worked on the internal evaluation team to examine how closer collaboration between academics and clinicians promotes embedding research into practice. Jo currently works in the Implementation Science Group on projects that seek to develop our understanding of how to implement best practice and share knowledge with the aim of improving the health and social care of patients and the public. Prior to this, she worked for the Ministry of Justice on the development, evaluation and audit of evidence-based interventions for people with criminal convictions within the prison and probation services.
Mr Gordon Duff
General Manager Sector Development and Research
National Disability Services / Centre for Applied Disability Research
Poster Number #461 - Promoting Innovation in the Australian Disability Service System
Gordon has more than 25 years’ experience in human services and advocacy in a career spanning New Zealand, Canada, the UK and Australia, and across academia, government, non-government and business sectors. During the UK Labour governments’ period of reform from 1997-2006, working in government and as an adviser, Gordon led initiatives to develop ‘whole systems’ responses across health, social services, and community development at local and central government levels. He is an ex fellow of the Office for Public Management, one of the UKs leading public policy consultancies. Prior to joining National Disability Services in 2008, Gordon worked with the NSW Council of Social Services and the NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Homecare, managing Sector Development and Program Evaluation. Gordon supported the development of the NDIS as a member of the Expert Advisory Group on Sector and Workforce Capacity, and has led the establishment of the NDS Centre for Applied Disability Research. He holds Honours degrees in Economics and Business Administration from New Zealand universities and a Masters in Social Policy from the London School of Economics. Gordon is the recipient of the 2018 Fulbright Professional Scholarship in Non-Profit Leadership and will spend time with US agencies that facilitate innovation across the US disability service system in 2019. A particular focus of the research will be how the best available evidence about ‘what works’ is generated and mobilised within the disability service system, and the US experience of payment for results/outcomes. The learning will support the development of innovation policy in the context of Australian disability reform, especially the development of funding and pricing models that better incentivise the utilisation of evidence and current proposals for the establishment of a disability research and innovation agency in Australia.
Dr Alessandra Garbero
Senior Econometrician
Poster Number #264 - The Impact of the Adoption of CGIAR's Improved Varieties on Welfare outcomes: A Systematic Review
Alessandra Garbero, Senior Econometrician in the Research and Impact Assessment Division (RIA) focuses on impact assessment methodologies and applied econometrics. She supports RIA strategic management related to systematizing the impact assessment production cycle. The impact assessment production cycle entails a number of steps, from defining the theory of change and related indicators, to developing the tools for data collection, leading the training and the data collection as well as data analysis and results dissemination. In addition, she is in charge of the estimation and projection of corporate impacts. She holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Population Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, an Msc in Demography from London School of Economics, an Msc in Statistics and Social Research Methods from La Sapienza, and a Masters level degree in Economics from the University of Rome, La Sapienza. Her prior work experience involved working at the United Nations Population Division on population projections; in FAO, on the impact of HIV/AIDS on food security and agriculture and on gender disaggregated data in agriculture and rural development; and at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, on population forecasting, demographic modelling and vulnerability to climate change.
Dr Aideen Gildea
Queen's University Belfast
Poster Number #443 - A Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) of Zippy's Friends: a Social and Emotional Learning Programme.
Aideen Gildea is a researcher at the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast. Before this she worked for many years as a nurse and health visitor in the community with young families. Her main role involves evaluating school-based programmes and interventions which aim to impact on pupil wellbeing. She is currently trial manager on a cluster randomised controlled trial evaluation of the effects of Zippy’ s Friends on social, emotional and academic outcomes for 6-7 Year olds in England. Her Phd explored parental involvement with primary schools and children's wellbeing with a particular focus on the social and emotional learning part of the curriculum.
Dr Seaneen Sloan is a lecturer at the School of Education, University College Dublin. Methodologically, her interests lie in evaluative research. She has completed numerous evaluations of school-based programmes using a range of methodologies, and in particular, is experienced in the design, management, analysis and reporting of randomised controlled trials (and associated process evaluations) in school settings.
Dr Shannon Gray
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Insurance Work And Health Group, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
Poster Number #158 - Impact of legislative amendments on working time loss following injury using interrupted time series
Shannon Gray is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre of Research Excellence in Recovery Following Road Traffic Injuries, based at the Insurance Work and Health Group within Monash University. With a background in Biomedical Engineering, Shannon chose to pursue her doctoral studies at the Monash University Accident Research Centre investigating injury-causing hazards at fitness facilities. Shannon gained experience working with large, administrative datasets through her work as a Research Officer at the Victoria Injury Surveillance Unit. Throughout her studies and employment, Shannon has worked with internal researchers and external stakeholders in the areas of injury epidemiology, injury prevention and injury rehabilitation. Her current research and research interests involves recovery from work-related and transport injuries, in particular return to work and how compensation schemes can impact on this.
Dr Donncha Hanna
Dclin Research Coordinator
Queens University Belfast
Poster Number #266 - Measuring measurement: a psychometric assessment of a reading ability test
As the DClin research coordinator in the School of Psychology QUB, I have expertise in the applied and theoretical research field of mental health. I have over 10 years’ experience leading, supervising and collaborating on the design and analysis of a range of mental health and health projects. I take pride in collaborating with both clinicians and academics across different disciplines. I have expertise in the measurement and modelling of a range of psychological constructs as well as the design and statistical analysis of research projects. My primary research interest is mental health including the measurement and modelling of psychological trauma, anxiety disorders, psychosis and related constructs.
Dr Danielle Hitch
Allied Health Research And Translation Lead
Western Health / Deakin University
Poster Number #322 - The Translating Allied Health Knowledge Framework (TAHK): Building capacity and capturing outcomes
Dr. Danielle Hitch is an occupational therapist with a particular interest in allied health knowledge translation. She has worked in a knowledge translation position in mental health for the past four years in the Australian public health system, and works closely with patients, carers and clinicians to support positive change.
Dr Danielle Hitch
Allied Health Research And Translation Lead
Western Health / Deakin University
Poster Number #321 - Implementing an Early Supported Discharge program for stroke: A CFIR informed case study
Dr. Danielle Hitch is an occupational therapist with a particular interest in allied health knowledge translation. She has worked in a knowledge translation position in mental health for the past four years in the Australian public health system, and works closely with patients, carers and clinicians to support positive change.
Ms Grace Hollister
Chief Engagement Officer
Evidence Action
Poster Number #248 - Rigorous implementation required: Translating evidence to cost-effective impact at scale
Grace is Chief Engagement Officer for Evidence Action, leading organizational relationship management, including institutional fundraising, communications, and external relations. A member of the organization’s global leadership team, she is responsible for strengthening Evidence Action’s presence in the international development field. Grace also serves as global deworming lead for the Deworm the World Initiative, setting strategy and overseeing performance of the program that now reaches 270 million children annually. Previously, Grace worked at the US Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation where she was involved in portfolio analytics, database design, and program operations due diligence and implementation in Ghana and Tanzania. Grace received her BA in international relations and French from Tufts University.
Mr Andy Hunter
Senior Economic Development Consultant
World Vision Australia
Poster Number #401 - Estimating the impacts and scalability of an improved agricultural extension social enterprise in Cambodia
Andy Hunter works for World Vision Australia’s Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (SEED) Unit as an economic development consultant. His portfolio includes market systems programming across Asia Pacific, East Africa and the Middle East and is World Vision’s focal point for microfranchising. He moved into international development via UNICEF, Red Cross and Salvation.
Mr Denny John
Evidence Synthesis Specialist
Campbell Collaboration
Poster Number #362 - Value and research waste in research: Findings from the Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRI)
Denny has over a decade of experience across various domains; managing hospitals and health projects, economic evaluation, health financing, evidence synthesis, implementation research, teaching and advocacy. He currently works as Evidence Synthesis Specialist, Campbell Collaboration, New Delhi. He has experience of working with development organisations, insurance companies, and consulting companies for conducting economic evaluations, systematic reviews, and disease forecasting studies. He has experience of working in India and Nepal, and supporting projects in Bangladesh, Tanzania, and Nigeria. He has been the Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator for over 15 research studies conducted across various states in India, and has been awarded several research and project grants from national and international bodies. He has published over 30 articles, and presented in national and international forums in the field of cost-effectiveness analysis, systematic reviews, and health financing. He is Associate Editor-International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care (IJTAHC), Associate Editor-Global Health, BMC Public Health. He has a MBA in Hospital Management from Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), Jaipur, Master of Public Health (MPH) from University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Bachelor of Physiotherapy from Mangalore University. He was a Commonwealth Scholarship recipient for his MPH studies.
Mr Denny John
Evidence Synthesis Specialist
Campbell Collaboration
Poster Number #363 - Use of Logic Models and Theory of Change in Systematic Reviews
Denny has over a decade of experience across various domains; managing hospitals and health projects, economic evaluation, health financing, evidence synthesis, implementation research, teaching and advocacy. He currently works as Evidence Synthesis Specialist, Campbell Collaboration, New Delhi. He has experience of working with development organisations, insurance companies, and consulting companies for conducting economic evaluations, systematic reviews, and disease forecasting studies. He has experience of working in India and Nepal, and supporting projects in Bangladesh, Tanzania, and Nigeria. He has been the Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator for over 15 research studies conducted across various states in India, and has been awarded several research and project grants from national and international bodies. He has published over 30 articles, and presented in national and international forums in the field of cost-effectiveness analysis, systematic reviews, and health financing. He is Associate Editor-International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care (IJTAHC), Associate Editor-Global Health, BMC Public Health. He has a MBA in Hospital Management from Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), Jaipur, Master of Public Health (MPH) from University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Bachelor of Physiotherapy from Mangalore University. He was a Commonwealth Scholarship recipient for his MPH studies.
Mr Corey Joseph
Senior Evidence Analyst
Monash Health & Monash University
Poster Number #179 - Exploring the utilisation of evidence and evaluating its impact in health service delivery.
Corey is a Senior Evidence Analyst for the Centre for Clinical Effectiveness. Corey’s role is predominantly focused around undertaking reviews and evaluation of evidence. Corey is a member of the Cochrane Collaboration Schizophrenia Group, and the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group. Corey is also a current member of the Victorian Paediatric Clinical Network. At Monash Health, Corey also works as a Biomechanist within the Clinical Gait Analysis Services.
Mr Emmanuel Berinyuy Kamga
Heaf of Research
Effective Basic Services (eBASE) Africa
Poster Number #206 - An Innovative Approach for Getting Research Evidence in Health Development Projects
I hold a Master’s degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management and a BSc in Microbiology. I am 29years old. I have over five years of relevant work experience in the health sector where I have worked both within the public and private sectors. I have experience in systematic reviews and clinical practice guidance using the Joanna Briggs Institute Practical Application of Clinical Evidence Systems (PACES) and Getting Research into Practice (GRiP) in Cameroon. I currently work as the head of the research department at Effective Basic Services (eBASE) Africa. eBASE is an emerging research hub in Cameroon and we are active in primary research, evidence synthesis, translation and implementation in French and English. I am an active member of the Guidelines Internationa Network community. I have a special attachment to issues pertaining to costs of healthcare delivery as I believe this is key to the quality of care in Africa. I am passionate about positive change, evidence-informed health policies, cost of healthcare and innovation.
Prof Margaret Kelaher
Head, Evaluation and Implementation Science
University of Melbourne
Poster Number #420 - Better Indigenous Genetic (BIG) Health Services
Margaret is an internationally recognised health services researcher and program evaluator with over 25 years experience. She has attracted over $30 million in funding through competitive grants and has published over 120 peer reviewed journal articles and 125 books and reports. Her achievements have been recognised with an NHMRC Sidney Sax Fellowship, Australian Young Tall Poppy award, NHMRC Career Development award, VicHealth senior research fellowship and an ARC Future Fellowship.
Margaret has extensive experiencing in developing innovative approaches to evaluation using systems approaches.
Ms Vanessa Kennedy
Senior Evaluation Officer
Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
Poster Number #191 - What works when helping young people find work? Evaluation of an innovative new headspace service
Vanessa Kennedy is a Senior Evaluation Officer with headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation. She has over 10 years of experience working in research and evaluation, across both the alcohol and other drug and mental health sectors. Vanessa holds a BA (Hons) and a Master of Social Health (Research) from the University of Melbourne.
Ms Mary Kennedy
PhD Candidate
Edith Cowan University
Poster Number #310 - Can co-location enhance exercise update for people undergoing cancer treatment?
Mary Kennedy is currently pursuing her PhD in Exercise Medicine from Edith Cowan University in Western Australia. She received her MS in Nutrition Communication and Food Policy from Tufts University and her BS in Clinical Exercise Physiology from Boston University. She is also certified by the American College of Sports Medicine as an Exercise Physiologist.
Ms. Kennedy is a health and wellness professional with extensive experience related to understanding and improving the health behaviors of people of all ages, from school-age kids to older adults. Research has been a central part of her work over the years. She has been involved in the conceptualization, data collection, management, and oversight of a several research projects aimed at understanding and improving health-related behaviors. She also played a central role in the development and management of a novel curriculum to educate medical residents about lifestyle medicine through her work as the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine in Boston, MA.
Dr Tyler Lane
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Insurance, Work And Health Group, Monash University
Poster Number #353 - A Prospective Cohort Study of Return-to-Work Coordinators’ Effectiveness
Tyler is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Insurance, Work and Health Group at Monash University. He holds a DPhil in Evidence-Based Intervention from the University of Oxford and previously worked as a statistician at the Ministry of Justice in London and the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa.
Ms Anna Lawson
Director, Global Strategic Projects Unaids 90-90-90
Viiv Healthcare
Dr Kelvin Lee
Clinical Head, Psychology
Poster Number #432 - Journey of Kindle Garden: Singapore’s First Inclusive Preschool
Based in Singapore, Kelvin Lee is the Clinical Head of Psychology at AWWA. He oversees supervision and the professional development of psychologists from the various programmes within the organization. Besides being involved with the various projects and initiatives within AWWA, he actively works with external government ministries.
Kelvin received his doctoral training in Counseling and School Psychology in the US. During his time there, he had the opportunity to work in many different settings and cultures as well as engage in different research opportunities. His area of interest includes topics in psychoeducational assessment, autism, learning disability, and inclusion.
Kelvin’s keen interest in psychology and passion for education has led him to teach undergraduates and graduates at a local university in Singapore. It is his wish to inspire them to develop a greater understanding of the human mind and behaviour.
Ms Briana Lees
PhD Candidate
Centre Research Excellence In Mental Health And Substance Use, National Drug And Alcohol Research Centre, Unsw
Poster Number #96 - Do alcohol and other drug prevention programs work for Indigenous youth? A systematic review.
Ms Briana Lees obtained her Bachelor of Psychology qualification at the University of Wollongong in 2016 and commenced her doctoral dissertation in 2018, funded by the prestigious Scientia scholar program, at the University of NSW. Briana also works as a research assistant with the Centre for Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use. She is primarily involved in the Positive Choices for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples project, which focuses on drug prevention for Indigenous youth.
Ms Briana Lees
PhD Candidate
Centre Research Excellence In Mental Health And Substance Use, National Drug And Alcohol Research Centre, Unsw
Poster Number #416 - Evaluation of Positive Choices, a national initiative to address the evidence-practice gap in drug prevention
Ms Briana Lees obtained her Bachelor of Psychology qualification at the University of Wollongong in 2016 and commenced her doctoral dissertation in 2018, funded by the prestigious Scientia scholar program, at the University of NSW. Briana also works as a research assistant with the Centre for Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use. She is primarily involved in the Positive Choices for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples project, which focuses on drug prevention for Indigenous youth.
Dr Sharon Licqurish
Research Fellow
Monash University
Poster Number #10 - Discovering what works for effective communication in cancer care: A systematic review of systematic reviews.
Dr Sharon Licqurish is a research fellow in the Department of General Practice and Cancer Research Centre at the University of Melbourne. She is working on projects exploring factors contributing to later presentation to healthcare for a cancer diagnosis to inform design of interventions to raise awareness of cancer symptoms and encourage earlier help seeking. She is also working on projects developing interventions to predict and diagnose postpartum haemorrhage. Her research interests are cancer research in primary care, maternal and infant health, implementation science, and cross-cultural research.
Dr Siew Lim
Early Career Fellow
Monash Centre For Health Research And Implementation
Poster Number #75 - Development of a multidisciplinary lifestyle clinic for women with polycystic ovary syndrome
SL was recently appointed as an NHMRC Early Career Fellow at the Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI), Monash Health/Monash University. SL completed her PhD at CSIRO Human Nutrition/University of Adelaide in 2010 before working as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Greater Green Triangle, the University Department of Rural Health, Flinders University and Deakin University. In 2016 she was appointed a Research Fellow at the Centre of Population Health at Deakin University before transiting to a Research Fellow position at MCHRI in 2017. Since 2017, SL is a dietitian/health coach at Monash Health. Prior to these, she has been a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Malaya in Malaysia and a research officer at the Robinson Institute in Adelaide from 2009-2010.
Ms Roxanne Maritz
PhD Student
Universty Of Lucerne, Switzerland
Poster Number #210 - Developing and implementing standardised reporting in Swiss rehabilitation quality reporting trough a stakeholder dialogue
Roxanne Maritz obtained a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy (zhaw, University of applied sciences Zurich, CH). She furthermore holds a Master of Arts in Health Sciences, with a major in health services research (University of Lucerne, CH). She has clinical working experience as an occupational therapist in the fields of paediatrics and vocational rehabilitation, and she worked as a project scientist at the Swiss Paraplegic Research (Nottwil, CH). Roxanne started her PhD at Swiss Paraplegic Research in April 2017, working on the NFP74 project “Enhancing continuous quality improvement and supported clinical decision making by standardized reporting of functioning”.
Ms Robyn McNeil
Senior Research Assistant
Murdoch Children's Research Institute
Poster Number #124 - Thinking Ahead: An education and vocation resource for adolescents and young adults with cancer
Robyn McNeil has a Masters in Public Health and over ten years’ experience in research and evaluation, predominately with vulnerable children, adolescents and families.
Robyn has a vast range of project experience from running her own evaluation consulting business working to build health services capacity, to working closely with community organisations at a local evaluation and research level to produce meaningful project outcomes.
Robyn’s strengths include stakeholder identification and management, relationship building; methodology development; field work and data collection; management, analysis and interpretation of large amounts of qualitative and quantitative data; a broad range of writing skills and experience, and project management.
Robyn has extensive experience in process, impact and outcome evaluation projects and programs. This includes training and capacity building of other organisations around evaluation skills. It also includes the development and piloting of innovative methodologies to produce rich and comprehensive data for vulnerable populations and for populations where English was not the first language.
Robyn is currently employed in the Centre for Adolescent Health at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute. She is employed as a researcher and project manager predominately in psychosocial adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer research.
Mr Toshiro Mori
Reserch Teacher/ Visitting Rsearcher
Yohoku Elementary School/ioe London College University
Poster Number #111 - Challengeing using evidence for teacher in Japan
Currently at London University as Visiting Researcher of Institute of Education,2014.9-Present
Yohoku elementary school, Yoro,Gifu
Teacher, 2015.4-Present; Research Manager, 2015.4-Present; School guidance teacher 2015.4-Present; ・Homeroom teacher 5/6/5 grade. ・Main subject is science
Dr Chukwudi Nnaji
Senior Scientist (vaccines And Immunization)
Cochrane South Africa, South African Medical Research Council
Poster Number #38 - Systematic Review of the Effects of Fractional Dose Yellow Fever Vaccination as a Dose-sparing Strategy
I am a public health enthusiast and evidence-based decision making advocate. I currently work with Cochrane South Africa, where I am responsible for coordination of evidence synthesis and research projects on vaccines and immunization; development of research tools, guidelines and SOPs; collaboration on research protocol drafting and grants writing; management of field staff; publication and dissemination of evidence to inform evidence-based health care and clinical best practices; as well as the advancement of the global health and evidence-based objectives of Cochrane within South Africa and Africa..My passions are in public health advocacy and policy making, and aspirations are to contribute effectively at national and global levels, towards improving access to equitable and quality healthcare particularly in LMIC settings.
Ms Peggy Ochandarena
Chief of Party
Chemonics International
Poster Number #236 - Preventing Culture From Eating Strategy
Peggy Ochandarena is the Co-Director of the Global Impact Collaboratory with Arizona State University scientists; she is a social worker and lawyer with decades of international development experience in over 35 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, and Eurasia. She has extensive experience developing and implementing strategies, monitoring and evaluating for results, and adapting program direction after learning from data. Ms. Ochandarena provides assistance for human and institutional capacity building for project staff, host-country counterparts, and technical staff in USAID missions and U.S. embassies. Ms. Ochandarena created Chemonics International’s monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) department; developed a company MEL certificate program, training hundreds of staff; developed dozens of projects’ MEL plans across a wide variety of sectors, and conducted project evaluations. She has overseen and conducted research independently and in collaboration with university researchers. Currently she is the Chief of Party for a USAID-funded justice sector project in the West Bank that works to strengthen the performance of legal actors and institutions, and works with civil society to raise public awareness of legal rights. The project has focused on the rights of women and children and the family courts where those rights are enforced.
Ms Renee O'Donnell
Research Fellow
Monash University
Poster Number #265 - An Evaluation of a Mental Health Outreach Program: What are the Lessons for Policy ?
Ms O’Donnell is a PhD candidate at Deakin University and a Research Fellow at Monash University. Ms O'Donnell has a strong track record in program evaluation and intervention implementation. Her research has been focused extensively in the community service sector, namely ensuring marginalised community groups have better outcomes in terms of health and wellbeing. Currently, Ms O'Donnell is leading an evaluation of a state-wide mental health intervention implemented across Tasmania. This project entails program development, evaluation and wider implementation.
Ms Kerryn O'Rourke
PhD Candidate
Latrobe University
Poster Number #209 - Developing program theory for a realist evaluation of a doula (pregnancy and childbirth support) program.
Kerryn O'Rourke is a PhD candidate at LaTrobe University, and has worked for 20 years in public health in Australia, with emphasis and expertise in health equity. Kerryn has a Master of Health Sciences in Public Health Practice, a Master of Public Health, Graduate Diploma in Health Promotion.
Dr Eti Rajwar
Research Officer
Public Health Evidence South Asia, Prasanna School Of Public Health, Manipal Academy Of Higher Education, Manipal, India
Poster Number #268 - Effect of Food Fortification and Supplementation on Nutritional Status of Women: An evidence summary
I am Dr. Eti Rajwar, I completed my Bachelors in Dental Surgery (BDS) in the year 2011 and Master in Public Health with specialization in Epidemiology in the year 2014. After completing my post graduation, I have worked in the project development and CSR sector as a Program Manager. During this term I have been involved in project development for different civil service organizations and also been involved in monitoring and evaluation of their work. Was also involved in contacting and collaborating different funding agencies for these projects.
At present, I am working as a Research Officer in Public Health Evidence South Asia which includes the South-Asian satellite of Cochrane Public Health. The organization works to consolidate evidence for low and middle income countries specifically in South Asia, for better public health outcomes. I have an experience of presenting research papers during different international and national conferences. Presently involved in conducting evidence synthesis using systematic reviews.
Major interests in the field of public health are epidemiology and evidence synthesis. Working towards getting enrolled in a PhD course in epidemiology.
Ms Valentina Ricci
Senior Specialist
Agency For Care Effectiveness (ACE)
Poster Number #53 - Osteoporosis assessment and management in Singapore: a new plan for action to escape the unavoidable
Ms Ricci is a Senior Specialist at the Agency for Care Effectiveness in Singapore, where she develops public health guides to drive change in the primary care setting. She has previously worked in the United Kingdom in both the private and public sector, developing guidelines for the NHS and supporting drug reimbursement processes. Ms Ricci is a trained physiotherapist and holds a MSc in Social Epidemiology from the University College of London.
Dr Ashrita Saran
Evidence Synthesis Specialist
The Campbell Collaboration
Poster Number #341 - Effectiveness of Interventions for People with Disabilities in Low and Middle Income Countries
At Campbell Collaboration she has worked on various Evidence and Gap Maps undertaken by Campbell. She holds a Masters in Public Health in Epidemiology and is trained in Systematic reviews and information research. Previously she has worked with Cochrane Collaboration for South-East Asia and at Ministry of Health in India. As a researcher she has worked to strengthen evidence base to aid informed decisions making on matters related to health policy and programs by performing various secondary reviews and preparation of data driven decision support tools. Her core research interest areas lies in International Development, Child welfare, immunization, HIV-AIDS, tuberculosis and socio-economic aspects of health.
Ms Ye Shen
Cost Specialist/ Data Analyst
Food Aid Quality Review (FAQR)/ Tufts University
Poster Number #279 - Lessons Learned from Cost-Effectiveness Research for Specialized Nutritious Food Assistance in West Africa
Ye Shen leads the cost-effectiveness work stream as the Cost Specialist and Data Analyst for the USAID-funded Food Aid Quality Review (FAQR) Project at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University. In particular, she is developing an interactive Decision Support Tool for more cost-effective programming of specialized nutritious food products, and involved in two cost-effectiveness research studies in West Africa. Prior to FAQR, she has contributed to GIS mixed methods research on food environment of the American Indian Reservations , and has worked on issues related to breastfeeding and breast-milk substitutes at the World Health Organization. Ye graduated from Johns Hopkins with a MSPH in International Health- Human Nutrition and a certificate in Public Health Economics. She has a B.A. in International Relations with a concentration in Global Health, Nutrition and the Environment from Tufts University.
Lijuan Si
Lanzhou University
Mr Florian Spensberger
PhD Student
Ludwig-maximilians-universität München
Poster Number #287 - Educational interventions to teach Evidence-based Practice in Social Work: A Systematic Review
After working in different fields of social services for several years as a licensed educator and social worker, I am currently doing a PhD in the Learning Sciences in the international doctoral program REASON at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). Our overarching research topic is 'Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation'. My focus is 'Evidence-based Practice' (especially didactic-paedagogical approaches in social work research) and 'Critical Thinking in Social Work Decision Making'.
Dr Emily Steele
Community Engagement & Partnerships Manager, Taskexchange
Cochrane Australia
Poster Number #43 - TaskExchange: Online collaboration for rapid rigorous evidence synthesis
Emily Steele is the TaskExchange Community Engagement & Partnerships Manager, and holds the equivalent position for Cochrane Crowd, Cochrane’s citizen science platform. She holds a PhD in epidemiology, a Masters of Public Health and began her career as a physiotherapist. She is also an avid nature-lover. If not camping and trekking, she is often found weaving at her floor loom.
Dr Katrina Stratton
Coordinator Of Research And Evaluation
Poster Number #45 - Data for purpose: using implementation data to engage staff, inform practice, and drive decision-making
Katrina has experience as a social work practitioner, researcher and educator. With a passion to influence and demonstrate social change, Katrina’s experience involves understanding and using strategies to reduce marginalisation and inequalities while building capacity with individuals, families and communities.
Katrina has a particular interest in the power of knowledge, research and education to create change for individuals and communities. Katrina has extensive practice and research history with children and families. She has particular expertise in designing and implementing evaluations of practice-based programmes examining outcomes for children, families and organisations.
Katrina has worked across the government, university and not-for-profit sectors. Katrina is currently the Coordinator of Research and Evaluation at Wanslea, Outcome Measurement Course Designer at Centre for Social Impact UWA, Board member of Tuart Place, and Lecturer in Social Work at Curtin University. In 2018 she graduated from UWA with an MBA with Distinction, a Tracey Horton Scholar.
Dr Jayaram Subramanian
Dentist, Health Systems Researcher, Dean's International Doctoral Fellow
University of Auckland
Poster Number #239 - Building a resilient environment and dynamic systems for implementing disruptive innovations
Dr. Jayaram Subramanian is a dentist with postgraduate specialisation qualifications and research master's degree from New Zealand. He is currently a FMHS Dean's International Research Scholar at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Jayaram has more than ten years professional and research experiences in a range of international settings including Denmark, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, New Zealand, and the USA. He will be presenting findings from a research project that aims to facilitate implementation of innovation in health systems. He has a special interest in implementation science, disruptive innovations, system transformations, change management, and knowledge translation.
Ms Christina Surmei
PhD Candidate
The Univeristy Of Adelaide
Poster Number #48 - The Diasporic Paradigm and Modern Slavery (South Australia): A Systematic Review
Christina Surmei is a qualified educator and academic, and is currently completing her PhD (The University of Adelaide), within the discipline of Educational Neuroscience - Mind, Brain, and Education. Christina has taught in Preschools, Early Learning Centres, Primary Schools, Early Intervention, and in Higher Education across Adelaide. Christina’s passion is Early Childhood Education, and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Christina is trained in Applied Behaviour Analysis (Autism, Level 1, & Advanced). Christina’s research interests include; Emotional Development and Well-being, Educational Neuroscience, Play, ASD, Modern Slavery, Child Protection, Paediatric Neurology, Genetics, and Early Childhood Curriculum. Christina holds a Master’s degree, Adelaide University (2012), within the discipline of Educational Psychology. Christina holds a degree in Early Childhood Education, University of South Australia (2010). Christina also holds a Diploma in Children’s Services. Christina possesses certificates in Counselling, Positive Psychology, Mental Health First Aid and Phlebotomy. Christina is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society, and the Australian College of Educators.
Mr Aang Sutrisna
Technical Director
Global Alliance For Improved Nutrition
Poster Number #18 - The contribution of the Most Significant Change Evaluation Methodology to Baduta Program Outcomes
Aang Sutrisna is a highly experienced and well qualified research, program monitoring and evaluation professional. He has demonstrated skills in all phases of research, program monitoring and evaluation of various program across numerous areas including the health sector, the law and justice sector, disaster risk management and poverty reduction. Aang has an excellent understanding of program monitoring and evaluation standard of major international development institution in Indonesia. In the last 10 years, as the research, program monitoring and evaluation consultant for the World Bank, Australian Aid, USAID and MCC, Global Fund, UNDP, and other institutions, Aang lead and manage several experimental, quasi experimental, primary quantitative and impact evaluation study. Aang also has extensive experience in managing nation wide integrated bio-behavioral survey as well as socio-economic impact study in household level.
Dr Elaine Toomey
Postdoctoral Researcher
National University Of Ireland Galway
Poster Number #217 - Views and experiences of implementing infant feeding interventions: a systematic review of qualitative studies
Dr Elaine Toomey is a Health Research Board (HRB) Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) post-doctoral research fellow, and a chartered physiotherapist with the Health Behaviour Change Research Group based in the National University of Ireland Galway. She is currently involved in the CHErIsH (Choosing Healthy Eating for Infant Health) study, which aims to develop a complex intervention to enhance infant feeding practices with a goal of improving childhood obesity outcomes. Elaine's role specifically involves focusing on process and implementation outcomes.
Elaine obtained her PhD from University College Dublin (2016) and an MSc (2012) and BSc (2010) from University of Limerick. Her research interests include implementation science and knowledge translation, transparency and intervention fidelity of complex interventions and health behaviour change in areas such as chronic pain, obesity and physical activity. In 2016 Elaine was awarded a Leamer-Rosenthal Prize for Open Social Science for Emerging Researchers from the University of California Berkeley for her work in fidelity and transparency of behaviour change interventions. Stemming from this, she is also a Catalyst for the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS).
Ms Gabriela Uribe Guajardo
Project Officer
Drug And Health Service, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Local Health District
Technological considerations when implementing evidence-based care: experiences from the PCC project
Gabriela is a Registered Psychologist and PhD Candidate (under examination) currently coordinating the Pathways to Comorbidity Care program based at Drug Health Service Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. She has vast experience running and evaluating evidence-based training packages.
Mrs Marianne Van Diggele
Planning, Monitoring And Evaluation Officer
Poster Number #422 - Combining rigorous research with programme implementation: benefits, challenges and lessons learnt
Marianne van Diggele is planning, monitoring and evaluation officer at Simavi, where she strives to achieve maximum impact by supporting evidence-based programme design, and ensuring programme monitoring and evaluation contributes to organisational and sector wide learning.
Dr Lisa Waddell
Public Health Agency Of Canada
Poster Number #144 - Poor evidence – big decisions; a tale of the evidence on congenital Lyme disease
Lisa Waddell is an infectious disease epidemiologist working on the application of knowledge synthesis (since 2005) in support of decision-making on zoonotic disease issues important to the public health of Canadians. She has spent many years exploring how to deal with missing or weak evidence when recommendations are still required. Her experience with stakeholder engagement has varied widely through her career in public health.
Ms Xiaoqin Wang
PhD Candidate
Centre of Implementation Research
Ms Xinya Wang
Lanzhou University
Ms Lili Wei
Lanzhou University
Poster Number #259 - Application Status of Evidence-Based Method in Economics
Lili Wei
M.A., School of Economics and Management, Lanzhou University
Ph.D., School of Economics, Lanzhou University
Research Areas :Evidence—based Economics ,Regional Economics ,Urbanization , Regional finance
Ms Vivian Welch
Editor In Chief
The Campbell Collaboration
Poster Number #185 - Intersectionality in Systematic Reviews: Capturing Multidimensional Experiences in Interventions
Dr. Vivian Welch is Editor in Chief of the Campbell Collaboration and director of the Methods Centre at the Bruyère Research Institute and Assistant Professor at the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa. Vivian's research interests are focused on analytic methods in systematic reviews and guidelines to answer questions about global health and health equity. Dr. Welch is a co-convenor of the Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group and the Cochrane Agenda Setting and Priority Setting group and co-director of Cochrane Global Ageing.
Ms Katie Wood
Research Officer
University Of Sydney
Poster Number #99 - The role of clinical champions in facilitating the use of evidence-based practice for managing comorbidity
Katie Wood (BPsych, Hons, MClin Psych) is a research officer in the Discipline of Addiction Medicine, University of Sydney and also working as a clinical psychologist at Nepean Hospital. In the last 12 months she has been working on the Pathways to Comorbidity Care project which aims to improve the management of comorbid mental illness and substance use in Drug and Alcohol settings.
Mr Benjamin Wood
Director, MEL
Poster Number #193 - Economic inclusion of smallholder farmers: Findings from impact evaluation on Rwandan horticulture and coffee farmers
Dr. Wood is Integra's Director of Measuring Impact. He has led and quality assured evaluations across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. He works on monitoring and evaluation projects for USAID, MCC, and NGOs. He also provides inputs and co-designs evaluations for other funders and implementers. His main research topic areas include food security, agricultural commercialization, and research transparency. Benjamin holds a PhD in agricultural and applied economics from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His dissertation examined the effects of food price increases on health in Malawi and on poverty in Mexico.
Dr Ting Xia
Research Fellow
Insurance Work And Health Group, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University
Poster Number #177 - Development an OHS monitoring framework for the Victorian health sector: analysis of Workers’ Compensation Data
Dr Ting Xia is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Insurance Work and Health Group. Her research interests are centred on the use of health data to inform health service delivery, policy and research. Her current research projects relate to the use of compensation data to develop evidence on the health status of transport workers and factors affecting health. She holds a MBBS in Preventive Medicine, MPhil in Toxicology, and a PhD in Public Health. Before pursuing her PhD at Adelaide University, she worked for two years as a public health physician in Nanjing Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, China.
Ms Jing Zhang
Lanzhou University
Poster Number #256 - The Reporting Quality of Social Welfare Systematic Reviews in Campbell Collaboration
M.A:School of Economics, Lanzhou University
Master., School of Economics, Lanzhou University
Research Areas:- Evidence-based Economics, Regional Economics, Urbanization, Regional finance