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#41 - Evaluating Strategic Litigation as a Tool for Climate Change Mitigation

Concurrent 7
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
1:00 PM - 1:20 PM
Room 108 (Level 1)


Session Theme: Strategies to influence action on climate change and food security


Agenda Item Image
Dr Anita Foerster
Senior Research Fellow
Melbourne Law School

#41 - Evaluating Strategic Litigation as a Tool for Climate Change Mitigation


PowerPoint Presentation


Professor Jacqueline Peel is an expert in the field of environmental and climate change law. She has researched and published widely on the role and impact of climate change litigation in transitioning to a clean energy future, including her co-authored book on the topic - Climate Change Litigation: Regulatory Pathways to Cleaner Energy (2015, CUP). Dr Anita Foerster is an experienced socio-legal researcher with a strong background in empirical qualitative research techniques. She has expertise in environmental, natural resource and climate change law and governance and has published widely in these areas.