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Panel #107 - Reflections on Building Evidence Informed Decision-Making Across Multiple Sectors and Contexts

Concurrent 5
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Room 103 (Level 1)


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Ms Kerry Albright
Chief- Research Facilitation & Knowledge Management
Unicef Office Of Research-innocenti

#107 - Reflections on Building Evidence Informed Decision-Making Across Multiple Sectors and Contexts


PowerPoint Presentation


Kerry Albright is Chief of Research Facilitation and Knowledge Management at UNICEF’s Office of Research – Innocenti. This function plays a leading role in building a research and evidence culture across UNICEF’s 190+ offices by providing essential guidance and tools and strengthening capacities for generation, communication and use of evidence in decision-making. She contributes to governance of the research function across UNICEF, the identification of knowledge gaps, evidence synthesis, capacity-building and capturing research impact. Previously with the UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID), she has drawn on this expertise to play a leading role in supporting the design of a vision for making UNICEF a more evidence-informed organization in the SDG era. @AlbrightKerry
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Ms Fiona David
Research Chair
Minderoo Foundation



Fiona David is the newly established Research Chair of the Minderoo Foundation, which was founded by Andrew and Nicola Forrest in 2001 and was originally known as the Australian Children’s Trust. This incorporates the Walk Free Foundation, an organisation attempting to end contemporary slavery and human trafficking where Fiona was formerly the Executive Director of Global Research. Other research interests of the Foundation include early childhood interventions, ending cancer, environmental conservation, community development, employment and welfare policy, gender and migration. An international lawyer and criminologist, Fiona had worked with Governments from many countries, and advised several UN organizations on developing stronger responses to modern slavery, throughout the Asia Pacific and Africa regions. Twitter: @fiona_david
Amanda Third
Minderoo Foundation



Amanda Third a Principal Research Fellow in Digital Social and Cultural Research at Western Sydney University. Her research focuses on the socio-cultural dimensions of young people's technology use including children's rights in the digital age, intergenerational dynamics and vulnerable young people. She leads the ‘Connected and Creative’ programme of the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre which unites young people with researchers, practitioners, innovators and policymakers from 75+ partner organizations across the not-for-profit, academic, government and corporate sectors to explore the role of technology in young people’s lives and how this can be used to improve their mental health and wellbeing. @amandaj3rd
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Ms Yuki Lo
Senior Research & Evaluation Officer
The Freedom Fund



Yuki Lo is a Senior Research and Evaluation Officer at the Freedom Fund, an international non-profit organization dedicated to identifying and investing in the most effective efforts to end modern slavery, based in the United Kingdom. Yuki leads the Fund’s work to measure the impact of its investments in countries with the highest incidence of slavery, as well as supports knowledge-sharing with the broader anti-slavery community. She is currently supervising research projects in Ethiopia, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand on the topics of forced labour, child labour, forced marriage and sex trafficking. Prior to joining the Freedom Fund, she worked as a Manager of Evidence Measurement and Evaluation for the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and as an M&E Officer for UN Women in Cambodia. @yukilo